सीधे मुख्य सामग्री पर जाएं

Why Sanatana Dharma is the best option?-Maria Wirth


This is my first videographed talk. I accepted the invitation by Srijan Foundation not because I know more about Sanatana Dharma. Many among you know more than I, but because I grew up as a Christian and maybe can better appreciate the value of it. Also, I realised that many of you find it difficult to talk frankly about the doctrine of Christianity and Islam.
The talk is in 4 parts:
  1. Why Sanatana Dharma is the best option?
  2. Why is it portrayed as worst?
  3. common and differing aspects between Sanatana Dharma and Christianty/Islam
  4. we need to bring truth back into the discourse about religion or rather, we need to replace religions with the quest for truth.
Some points taken from my notes:
How did the Rishis know so much? How come Sanskrit, in all likelihood the oldest language, is the most perfect? You have an amazing heritage, knowledge in so many fields, huge number of texts, even though a huge part of it is lost.
I focus mainly on one aspect: All this is Brahman. Forms appear as real, are not really real. We are not what we think we are… waves/ ocean, Meaning of life = to merge with Brahman or rather to realise the oneness.
The Divine is in us. This needs to sink in. It is important for our life.   
 But is it true? Is the Divine really in us? How to know?
Why are there so many gods in Hindu Dharma? “Gods” is actually a mischievous translation. Devas are powers which are essential for our existence on earth.
Puranas, Itihasas remind us of a time when they could easily be contacted…
How to live life?
Dharma means doing what is right at given circumstances… guide is conscience, plus scriptures.
The resultant MINDSET ->
Divinity inside means that one has trust in Bhagwan, is good-natured, all-inclusive. Also kind to nature, animals.

  1. Why is Indian culture and Hindu Dharma vilified?
Agenda is “Nobody should know the profound knowledge of India, otherwise people desert Church… Church used education to manipulate opinion towards India.
British coined “Hinduism”, portrayed it as a primitive nature religion, which has an oppressive caste system, Brahmins (=backbone) were made villains.
Strategy: don’t mention India, except negatively. World ends with Greece. Put Hindus always on the defensive, so they don’t question ‘us’.
1835 Macauley’s suggestion did maximum damage.
However, West took Vedic wisdom seriously -> example: 1839 talk at university of Tuebingen, and palmleaf department in museum in Sankt Petersburg.
If Indian universities would take inspiration from Vedic pundits, modern science would be Indian science, not western.
Please don’t denounce Manusmriti for example the  claim that molten lead is to be poured into ears of Dalits if they listened to Vedas, or that Brahmins ate cow… In the light of other statements, such claims can’t be true. Interpolations were highly likely, there were hostile translators.
Luckily times are changing. Interest is growing. Indians have great brains… they will be even more capable with sadhana.

  1. common and different aspects in Sanatana Dharma and Christianty &Islam
Common = worshipping  one Supreme.
Different: Church started terrible, untrue claim, “all must believe THIS, be baptised or else will suffer eternally in hell”. Islam followed.
How did they get 2 billion followers? Through violence & indoctrination.
Same with Islam a few centuries later.
Fear of hell is indoctrinated into kids, and at the same time feeling of superiority (we alone are right).
Hindus can’t imagine that fear of hell could be real. My example and example of Iranian ex-Muslim.
Important: belief in Rebirth was in 553 AD forbidden. For Islam, too, this dogma of one lifeis very important. Evidence? No evidence, after death you know. Follow like SHEEP.
Islam has even today blasphemy laws in many countries, for example Pakistan.
We need to be honest regarding exhortation for Jihad. it attracts a certain type of men. Example of Zypriot Turk, now 85, “nothing more pleasurable…”
State of affairs of those lands who were converted to Xianty or Islam:
Christianity -> moral degradation. No meaning in life.
Islam -> very regimented, especially women oppressed.
Compare with the liveliness, colourfulness of India. I envied Hindu children for not being frightened with eternal hellfire.

  1. Hindus need to bring back truth into the discourse about religion.
In the name of Christianity and Islam a lof of suffering happened. Yet strange: if Christianty/ Islam convert Hindus, no outcry, but if there is gharwapsi, there is big outcry. This needs to be other way round.
Why are dogmatic religions based on blind belief inferior?
They also have harmful consequences -> would brutal colonialism, and brutal invasions have been possible?
Their claim “we alone have ONE God” is false. In fact, they diluted oneness. Vedas have pure oneness. We need to make these things clear. “Idol-worshipper” is worst for them, yet they got our devas wrong.
Sanatana Dharma -> Brahman = essence in all. It can be experienced. Science supports it.
God/ Allah = separate from humans, angels, satan. True? Find out
God/ Allah’s damnation for unbelievers and ETERNAL hell must NOT be taught. It cannot be true + it creates hatred. Would Rishis accept it without evidence?
Top clergy obviously don’t believe dogmas. Some examples about Pope, priest.
But to the commoner they say: You must believe it. It’s divine revelation… shh. It is God’s word.
Can 3 truths exist? No, only one.
Which one? Veda original revelation, ancient, – makes sense, can be experienced – makes human beings better, not worse.
We need to look at Islamic terrorism honestly.
Quran 98.6 says -> Kafirs are worst of creatures. Acceptable?
Youth is gullible, they wrongly believe there is divine sanction for violence.
In Germany, Muslim kids say to German kids: when I am big… it is serious. Every day new kids are brainwashed.
where is UN, UNICEF? How can such brainwashing be protected by religious freedom in 21st century?
We need to create an atmosphere where eternal hell and Jihad are questioned/ ridiculed. Like in the 1960s in Europe. Many left Church.
Clergy will defend their fiefdom. Common people will feel relieved if they get out of blind belief. We let them down by catering to the clergy.
Hindus need to take the lead – Christianity and Islam are in the same boat and their clergy won’t rock it.
Spread the truly good news of divine Presence within. Let’s discover it. It empowers. It makes us independent from outer sources for happiness and love. It is no doubt the best option for a truly human society. Without this inclusive mind-set, a global world is not possible.
In all likelihood we would also come to the conclusion that this massive brutal slaughter of animals for food is plain inhuman.
By the way, it’s condemned in the much maligned Manusmriti in strongest terms.
Thank you very much…
Maria Wirth


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

भाव -सरणियाँ (क्षणिकाएं )

कौन है वह , जो दूज के चाँद सा मिला , देखते ही देखते पूर्ण चंद्र बना और  ईद का चाँद हो गया।   भाव -सरणियाँ (क्षणिकाएं )-१ 

ये अन्नदाता नहीं भूहन्ता हैं

ट्वीट जगत से साभार : मुनींद्र मिश्र जी कहते हैं: 'हरित क्रान्ति से हुई आत्मनिर्भरता से पहले लोग ज्वार बाजरा मक्का बड़े चाव से खाते थे और इनकी खेती में जल का उपयोग भी सीमित हुआ करता था।'  हमारी टिपण्णी :मिश्र जी यही पौष्टिक अनाज हुआ  करता था खाद्य रेशों पुष्टिकर तत्वों से भरपूर।  शिवकांत जी लंदन से लिखते हैं प्रत्युत्तर में  :सच बात तो यह है ,पंजाब ,हरियाणा ,और उत्तरप्रदेश के किसान कर दाता के पैसे से सस्ती हुई दरों पर पानी ,बिजली ,खाद लेकर मजदूरों का दुनिया की न्यूनतम मजदूरी पर शोषण करते हुए ऊंची MSP पर बेचने के लिए उन जमीनों पर धान ,गेंहू और गन्ना उगाते हैं जो मोटे स्वास्थ्यप्रद अनाजों के लिए बनी है। धान गेंहू और गन्ने से भूजल सूख गया है। नहरी जल ,रासायनिक खाद और कीटनाशकों से जल -जमीं खारे और विषाक्त हो गए हैं। गेंहू ,बासमती  ने मधुमेह और जिगर के रोगों की महामारी फैला दी है। ये अन्नदाता नहीं  भूहन्ता हैं।सब्सिडी का बढ़ावा न देकर यूरोप की तरह इनकी उपज पर रोक लगनी चाहिए।  मुनींद्र मिश्र :इस पर भारत में रोक कैसे लगे कोई चर्चा तक तो करता नहीं। धान और गेंहू आज खा रहे हैं पर यही हालात

सिंहासन और लकड़बघ्घे -डॉ.नन्द लाल मेहता 'वागीश '

सिंहासन और  लक्कड़बघ्घे -डॉ.नन्द लाल मेहता 'वागीश ' सिंहासन की ओर न देखो  लक्कड़बघ्घों ! तुम इसके हकदार नहीं हो ! (१ ) तुम क्या जानो सिंहासन को,      महाप्राणक कर्त्तापन को  .          यह है प्रचंड अग्निसार ,         दाहक ज्वाला अतिदुस्तर ,     पार करोगे ?पास तुम्हारे     इसका कोई उपचार नहीं है। (२ ) मृत शिकार को खाने वाले ,       लम्पट उमर बिताने वाले ,       वर्णसंकर सुख पाने वाले ,          क्या जाने सिंहासन -संसद ,      भारतवर्ष सुशासन क्या है !      इसका सौम्य सुवासन क्या है !  (३ )द्रुपद -सुता सी परम पावनी ,      है भारत की अपनी संसद ,      राष्ट्र निरंतर करता चिंतन ,      संवादन अरु प्रति -संवादन ,      सूत्र -विचारण और निर्णयन।      इसी से निर्मित है रचना मन ,      भारत -जनकी संसद का। (४ )भारत नहीं है संज्ञा केवल ,     भारत भाव विशेषण है।       अति पुरातन फिर भी नूतन ,     यह भारत का दर्शन है।    युगकाल चिरंतन है भारत ,    यह भारत सदा सनातन है,   भारत का यह लक्षण है। (५  )    सिंहासन है यज्ञ समर्पण ,          स