Ganga Dhar Nehru and Gyasuddin Gazi ,Kotwal Chandni Chowck Old Indian Images is with Sana Choudhary . August 22, 2014 · GHIYASUDDIN GHAZI (Name changed to GANGA DHAR to escape British army).He settled near Neher(Canal). Nehru is derived from the word "neher" which means canal in Hindi,he titled himself NEHRU means who lived near the neher or river...... His son was MOTI LAL NEHRU _______________________________________________________________________________ MOTILAL married and his first wife and son died at childbirth. MOTILAL and his second wife THUSSU (name changed to SWAROOP RANI) had three children THUSSU with MOBARAK ALI (Motilal's Boss) was the first son JAWAHAR LAL NEHRU (he was circumcised) MOTILAL AND THUSSU had two daught...